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Exporting a Variable

tmux is exporting an environment variable that is no longer being exported in .bashrc

tmux set-environment -gru FZF_TMUX_OPTS

Rename a pane

set -g pane-border-status top
set -g pane-border-format " [ ###P #T ] "
CTRL+b + :
select-pane -T "title"

Sharing a Window Across Sessions

To share a window between two sessions: tmux link-window -s <src-window> -t <dst-window>

Find a Panes Running a Command

find-window [-iCNrTZ] [-t target-pane] match-string (alias: findw) Search for a fnmatch(3) pattern or, with -r, regular expression match-string in window names, titles, and visible content (but not history). The flags control matching behavior: -C matches only visible window contents, -N matches only the window name and -T matches only the window title. -i makes the search ignore case. The default is -CNT. -Z zooms the pane.

This command works only if at least one client is attached.

CTRL+b + f