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tmux-fzf: Use fzf to manage your tmux work environment!

  • List of bindings
  • prefix F To launch tmux-fzf, press prefix + F (Shift+F). bash and zsh key bindings for Git objects, powered by fzf.

  • List of bindings
  • CTRL-G CTRL-F for Files
  • CTRL-G CTRL-B for Branches
  • CTRL-G CTRL-T for Tags
  • CTRL-G CTRL-R for Remotes
  • CTRL-G CTRL-H for commit Hashes
  • CTRL-G CTRL-S for Stashes
  • CTRL-G CTRL-E for Each ref (git for-each-ref)

    :warning: You may have issues with these bindings in the following cases:

    • CTRL-G CTRL-B will not work if CTRL-B is used as the tmux prefix
    • CTRL-G CTRL-S will not work if flow control is enabled, CTRL-S will freeze the terminal instead
    • (stty -ixon will disable it)

    To workaround the problems, you can use CTRL-G {key} instead of CTRL-G CTRL-{KEY}.

  • Inside fzf
  • TAB or SHIFT-TAB to select multiple objects
  • CTRL-/ to change preview window layout
  • CTRL-O to open the object in the web browser (in GitHub URL scheme)